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Core Bodybuilding Techniques


There are so many bodybuilding techniques out there, it's hard for a beginner to figure out what works best for building muscle fast. Below you will find some "core" bodybuilding techniques that will force your body into a muscle building machine. Core exercises are also the most talked about exercises, that will get you looks from passersby as you gain strength and size. Those exercises are: squat, dead lift, bench press, clean & jerk and barbell bicep curl.


The squat is an all-body exercise. When asked; many people will tell you it's a leg exercise -- and it definitely puts a lot of focus on your entire legs, but it also heavily taxes your entire back, shoulders, arms, stomach and chest. It works the whole body and is a "core" exercise that has the greatest impact on increasing testosterone levels naturally.

Dead Lifts

Like the squat, the dead lift is one of the best testosterone-enhancing bodybuilding techniques. There isn't a single muscle group that is left untouched by this exercise.

Bench Press

Often considered the true measure of a man's strength; the bench press hits your entire upper body and also hits your "core" strengthening your abs and lower back.

Clean and Jerk

The clean and jerk is a rarely used movement for many young body builders. You're basically doing squat, dead lift and bench press all in the same fluid motion. While the squat and dead lift done individually have been shown to have a better overall impact on testosterone levels: The clean and jerk works your entire body and is a staple among bodybuilding techniques.

Barbell Bicep Curl

Biceps are one of the smallest muscles on our bodies. For men though, the size of your bicep gives you bragging rights almost anywhere you can show them off. A barbell bicep curl has an effect on your entire upper body as your shoulder, back, chest, abs, legs -- are all needed to stabilize the weight as you curl.

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